



日期和时间Date & Time:2021年12月16日(周四)10:30—12:00

腾讯会议Tencent Meeting: ID:971462690   PW:9357

报告人Speaker :钟翰森  “九章光量子计算原型机”主要完成人中国科学技术大学研究生

主持人Host :胡孟军 量子院量子操作系统软件研发团队助理研究员

题目TitlePhotonic Quantum Computing Advantages based on Gaussian Boson Sampling


Quantum computers have ultra-fast parallel computing capabilities in principle, but are limited by the current level of experimental technology, and building a large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computer with practical value still requires long-term efforts. Therefore, in order to further prove the prospect of quantum computing, we need to prove that dedicated quantum devices can surpass classical supercomputers on specific issues based on existing experimental techniques. This is also known as the advantages of quantum computing. Recently, based on the Gaussian Bose sampling scheme, we have used an optical system to achieve the advantages of optical quantum computing, and used a variety of methods to verify the experimental results. Compared with supercomputers using existing classic algorithms, its sampling rate is 10^24 times faster.


1:Zhong, H. -S., Li, Y., Li, W., Peng, L. -C., Su, Z. -E., Hu, Y., He, Y. -M., Ding, X., Zhang, W., Li, H., Zhang, L., Wang, Z., You, L., Wang, X. -L., Jiang, X., Li, L., Chen, Y. -A., Liu, N. -L., Lu, C. -Y. & Pan, J. -W. 12-Photon Entanglement and Scalable Scattershot Boson Sampling with Optimal Entangled-Photon Pairs from Parametric Down-Conversion. Physical Review Letters 121, 250505 (2018).

2:Zhong, H. -S., Wang, H., Deng, Y. -hao, Chen, M. -C., Peng, L. -C., Luo, Y. -han, Qin, J., Wu, D., Ding, X., Hu, Y., Hu, P., Yang, X. -Y., Zhang, W. -J., Li, H., Li, Y., Jiang, X., Gan, L., Yang, G., You, L., Wang, Z., Li, L., Le Liu, N. -, Lu, C. -Y. & Pan, J. -W. Quantum computational advantage using photons. Science 8770, 1-9 (2020).

3:Zhong, H. -S., Deng, Y. -hao, Qin, J., Wang, H., Chen, M. -C., Peng, L. -C., Luo, Y. -han, Wu, D., Gong, S. -Q., Su, H., Hu, Y., Hu, P., Yang, X. -Y., Zhang, W. -J., Li, H., Li, Y., Jiang, X., Gan, L., Yang, G., You, L., Wang, Z., Li, L., Liu, N. -L., Renema, J. J., Lu, C. -Y. & Pan, J. -W. Phase-Programmable Gaussian Boson Sampling Using Stimulated Squeezed Light. Physical Review Letters 127, 180502 (2021).

报告人简介About the speaker 

钟翰森,“九章光量子计算原型机”主要完成人,中国科学技术大学研究生。钟翰森于2017年在中国科学技术大学取得物理学学士学位,并师从陆朝阳教授在中国科学技术大学继续攻读研究生。钟翰森作为第一作者或共同第一作者,2018年国际上首次实现十二光子纠缠,2019年在国际上首次实现高维隐形传态、进行高斯玻色采样的原理性演示,2020年基于高斯玻色采样实验实现光量子计算优越性,即“九章光量子计算原型机”,2021年继续升级优化高斯玻色采样的性能,进一步提高量子计算优越性。目前为止,已经在sci国际期刊上发表论文19篇,其中作为第一或者共同第一作者发表Science 一篇,Physical review letter 三篇,Science Bulletin一篇。