

【时   间】2023年8月15日(周二) 上午10:30

【地   点】量子院320报告厅

【主持人】王敏  量子直接通信团队助理研究员

【题   目】Unconventional Rydberg pumping and its appication 

【摘  要】In this talk, I will first introduce some interesting works done by our group in the field of quantum information, including multi-frequency driving two level systems and dissipative preparation of entangled states in ion trap systems. Then I will introduce a new mechanism in neutral-atom systems, i.e. unconventional Rydberg pumping. This mechanism is distinct from the general Rydberg blockade and Rydberg antiblockade in that it is closely related to the ground states of atoms, i.e., two atoms in the same ground state are stable while two atoms in different ground states are resonantly excited. This mechanism is robust to the fluctuation of atomic spacing and can be extended to realize the quantum logic gates of Rydberg atom in the ground-state manifolds and simulate fascinating chiral excitation. We have recently applied it to the conversion scheme of three-body GHZ state and W state, inspired by the concept of laser cooling. We believe that this approach will provide a new technical method for dissipation-based quantum information processing for neutral atom system.

【报告人简介】邵晓强,东北师范大学物理学院教授,博士生导师,民进会员。2008/09-2011/07 哈尔滨工业大学博士,2011/07-至今 东北师范大学讲师、副教授(2015)、教授(2019),2013/08-2014/08 新加坡国立大学Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) 访问学者,2017/09-2017/12 清华大学访问学者。研究方向:基于里德堡原子、离子阱、以及腔量子电动力学等物理系统的量子计算与量子模拟。以第一/通讯作者发表 SCI 论文 50 余篇,google 引用次数 1600 余次,H 指数:22