

【时   间】2023年9月8日(周五) 上午10:00

【地   点】量子院320报告厅

【报告人】常  越(北京自动化控制设备研究所副研究员)

【主持人】尤  力(相干原子系统的量子测量与操控团队负责人,清华大学教授

【题   目】 Manipulation of photonic and atomic states via nonlinear interactions 

【摘  要】 Nonlinearity plays a crucial role in the generation of nontrivial quantum states, with demands spanning a wide spectrum from fundamental physics research to practical technological advancements. In this talk, I aim to introduce our recent work on the manipulation of photonic and atomic states through the strategic utilization, control, or design of nonlinear interactions. Two remarkable accomplishments will be highlighted: first, the deterministic generation of photon pairs within confined one-dimensional systems, and second, the development of an entanglement filter using Rydberg atoms in free space. Beyond our exploration of photonic states, I will also present our latest work on atomic magnetometers whose performance is highly dependent on the atomic-spin states. In closing, I shall provide forward-looking perspectives on the trajectory of our research.

【报告人简介】常越,现为北京自动化控制设备研究所,量子传感技术研究室副研究员。报告人2006年本科毕业于于中山大学,2011年于中国科学院理论物理研究所获得博士学位(导师:孙昌璞),之后在Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics从事博士后研究工作(合作导师: J. Ignacio Cirac)直至2017年。报告人长期从事量子光学和量子精密测量方面的工作,已在nature photonics,PRL, PRA等期刊上发表多篇文章。