量子科学论坛(105)|储耀明:Strong metrological limit from many-body physics


【时  间】2023年10月16日(周一) 上午 10:00

【地  点】量子院320报告厅

【主  持】尤  力  量子院相干原子系统的量子测量与操控团队负责人,清华大学教授

【题  目】Strong metrological limit from many-body physics

【摘  要】Surpassing the standard quantum limit and even reaching the Heisenberg limit using quantum entanglement, represents the Holy Grail of quantum metrology. However, quantum entanglement is a valuable resource that does not come without a price. The exceptional time overhead for the preparation of large-scale entangled states raises disconcerting concerns about whether the Heisenberg limit is fundamentally achievable. Here, we find a universal speed limit set by the Lieb-Robinson light cone for the quantum Fisher information growth to characterize the metrological potential of quantum resource states during their preparation. Our main result establishes a strong precision limit of quantum metrology accounting for the complexity of many-body quantum resource state preparation and reveals a fundamental constraint for reaching the Heisenberg limit in a generic many-body lattice system with bounded one-site energy. It enables us to identify the essential features of quantum many-body systems that are crucial for achieving the quantum advantage of quantum metrology, and brings an interesting connection between many-body quantum dynamics and quantum metrology.

【报告人简介】储耀明,2017年和2022年分别本科和博士毕业于华中科技大学物理学院;目前仍继续在华中科技大学物理学院从事博士后,主要致力于量子传感相关理论与方法的研究,已在物理学期刊发表SCl论文9篇,其中包括Phys. Rev. Lett. 4篇。