量子科学论坛(113)|李昊元:Femtosecond-Terawatt Hard X Ray Pulse Generation with Chirped Pulse Amplification on a Free Electron Laser


【时  间】 4-Dec-2023  10am

【地  点】 Room 526

【主  持】 Li You ( Tsinghua Univ. & BAQIS)

【题  目】 Femtosecond-Terawatt Hard X Ray Pulse Generation with Chirped Pulse Amplification on a Free Electron Laser

【摘  要】 Advances of high intensity lasers have opened the field of strong field physics and led to a broad range of technological applications. Recent x-ray laser sources and optics development makes it possible to obtain extremely high intensity and brightness at x-ray wavelengths. In this Letter, we present a system design that implements chirped pulse amplification for hard x-ray free electron lasers. Numerical modeling with realistic experimental parameters shows that near-transform-limit single-femtosecond hard x-ray laser pulses with peak power exceeding 1 TW and brightness exceeding 4×1035 s-1 mm-2 mrad-2 (0.1% bandwidth)-1can be consistently generated. Realization of such beam qualities is essential for establishing systematic and quantitative understanding of strong field x-ray physics and nonlinear x-ray optics phenomena.


【报告人简介】 Haoyuan Li is a post-doctoral researcher from Stanford University working with Professor Matthias Ihme on the application of advanced X-ray techniques to supercritical fluid systems. His research includes picosecond X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy, hard X-ray non-linear optics, hard X-ray quantum optics and phase transition dynamics in glassy state and liquid state.