量子科学论坛(126)|中山大学Thibault Vogt副教授作报告


【时  间】2024年6月28日(周五) 上午 10:30

【地  点】量子院 526会议室

【主  持】Sanjib Ghosh   量子院超快光谱学团队副研究员

【题  目】Efficient microwave optical conversion in Rydberg atoms

【摘  要】Finding a system that can achieve coherent, efficient, and broadband conversion is essential prior to realizing any quantum state transfer between microwave and optical photons. This conversion is a real challenge as the visible and microwave bands of frequencies are separated by several orders of magnitude. One promising approach to this conversion is based on frequency mixing involving Rydberg energy levels.

In this talk, I will first report on our most recent theoretical study on optimizing four-wave mixing in cold Rydberg atoms for microwave-optical conversion. The main result of this work is that both off-resonant and all-resonant frequency mixing allow for achieving near-unit photon conversion efficiency at low microwave powers. We do find that the conversion efficiency is limited due to the presence of a dark state for incoming microwave powers above a certain threshold, and that this effect is more pronounced and problematic with the all-resonant configuration. In the second part of the talk, I will present our experimental progress towards realizing efficient microwave-optical conversion via four-wave mixing in cesium vapors, for conversion of microwave photons (9.9 GHz) into infrared photons (852 nm).

【报告人简介】Thibault Vogt obtained his PhD degree in 2006 at Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, Paris-Saclay University. Then he worked as a postdoctor, first at the University of Virginia in 2007-2008, and later at Peking University in China from 2009 to 2012. From 2012 to 2020, he was appointed as a Senior Research Fellow in the Rydberg atom group at Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore. Finally, since 2021, Thibault Vogt has been an Associate professor in the School of Physics and Astronomy of Sun Yat-sen university.

Thibault Vogt focuses his research on using Rydberg atoms for quantum technologies. He has published 27 SCI articles, including 7 in Physical Review Letters. His main achievements are the demonstration of the resonant dipole blockade of the excitation of neutral atoms to Rydberg atoms for the realization of two-qubit quantum gates, the realization of microwave-to-optical conversion in Rydberg atoms, and imaging of impurities via interaction-induced enhanced imaging.