量子科学论坛(50)| 林毅恒:Entangling trapped ions in open quantum system



题目:Entangling trapped ions in open quantum system


腾讯会议:ID:419300104  密码:0819

报告人:林毅恒  中国科学技术大学物理学院近代物理系教授

主持人:胡孟军  量子院助理研究员

报告摘要:Quantum manipulation and coherent control traditionally relies on isolation of the quantum system to surrounding environment and noise, also known as dissipations. However, recent breakthrough of environment engineering techniques turns dissipation into a powerful tool to assist quantum manipulation. Here we demonstrate one of these techniques with a combination of unitary processes and engineered dissipation into a zero-temperature bath. We deterministically produce and stabilize an approximate Bell state of two trapped-ion qubits, independent of their initial state, with fidelity up to 89(2)%. We also propose techniques to scale this work to more ions in a linear chain, and for two ions with less requirements yet better performance. 

Bio: http://lmmr.ustc.edu.cn/2018/0313/c13322a218245/page.htm



林毅恒,中国科学技术大学物理学院近代物理系教授。于2009年中国科大物理学院本科毕业,2015年获得美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(CU Boulder)物理博士学位,2018年通过国家海外人才引进项目加入中国科大物理学院。研究工作主要围绕离子阱量子信息处理实验研究,涵盖量子门、新型量子纠缠、协同冷却、耗散量子体系等前沿课题。