百望讲坛(14)|瑞典皇家理工学院 Val Zwiller 教授学术报告


题目:Quantum hardware for the generation, manipulation and detection of light at the single photon level

日期和时间:Wednesday, 14-Jul-2021 16:00(Beijing time) 

云会议号:ID: 775 921 8510    Passcode: Quantum

报告人:Prof. Val Zwiller   KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden)

主持人:Hongqi XU   BAQIS Research Scientist

报告摘要:We develop single photon sources based on semiconductor quantum dots to generate single photons as well as entangled photon pairs at telecom wavelengths that ultimately enable the implementation of long distance quantum communication in optical fibers. Operation at telecom wavelengths also allows us to implement experiments at the single photon level with off-the-shelf components such as modulators. Schemes to manipulate light on-chip, allowing for integration, scalability and higher reliability are also carried out with the aim of operating at telecom frequencies as well and to realize components for quantum computation. Last but not least, single photon detectors with high detection efficiency, low noise and high time resolution are required to realize quantum communication experiments. For this purpose, we develop superconducting nanowire single photon detectors. To allow for complex systems, integrated quantum optics circuits where we combine quantum sources and superconducting detectors are under development. Finally, we demonstrate single photon transmission over 32 km of deployed SMF28 fibers, paving the way to secure telecommunication links using quantum technologies.



Prof. Val Zwiller  / KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden) 

Val Zwiller got his PhD in 2001 from Lund University on single photon generation with quantum dots. He worked at the Humboldt University in Berlin, EPFL and ETH in Switzerland before joining TU Delft in 2006 as an assistant professor. He co-founded Single Quantum in 2012, a company supplying high-performance single photon detectors. He has been a professor at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm since 2015.