Office 508
Email: yuanzl@baqis.ac.cn
袁之良,北京量子信息科学研究院首席科学家,教育部长江讲席学者,清华大学电子系访问教授,英国物理学会会士(FInstP)和美国光学学会会士(Optica Fellow)。
1992年毕业于北京科技大学获工学学士,1997年在中国科学院半导体研究所获理学博士学位。在1997-2001期间在牛津大学物理系任博士后, 2001-2021年在东芝剑桥实验室先后担任研究助理直至主任科学家。袁之良因研发高速光纤量子密钥分发(QKD)系统而知名,曾演示了世界上第一个百公里(2003)、第一个Mbit/s (2008)、第一个10Mbit/s(2018)、第一次突破600公里QKD系统(2021),以及开发了双场量子通信协议(Twin-Field Protocol,2018)。 在量子器件方面成就包括首个电注入单光子源(2002),自差分单光子探测器(2007)和直接相位调制量子通信用光源(2016)等。他于2021年6月全职回国组建光量子通信与器件团队,着力于量子通信系统、量子光源(单光子和光子对源)以及单光子探测器等方向的研究,团队成果多次被新华社等国内外媒体报导。
(完整文章列表见Google Scholar 或 Web of Science)
1. B Wu, X-J Wang, L Liu, G Huang, W Wang, H Liu, H Ni, Z Niu, and Z L Yuan. “Mollow triplets under few-photon excitation,” Optica 10, 1118 – 1123 (2023). [首次在半导体量子点体系中观测到少光子激发的Mollow三峰光谱]
2. L Zhou, J P Lin, Y-M Xie, Y-S Lu, Y M Jing, H-L Yin, and Z L Yuan. “Experimental quantum communication overcomes the rate-loss limit without optical phase tracking,” Physical Review Letters 130, 250801 (2023). [首次演示MDI-QKD打破线性码率极限]
3. L Zhou, J P Lin, Y M Jing, and Z L Yuan. “Twin-field quantum key distribution without optical frequency dissemination,” Nature Communications 14, 928 (2023). [基于光频梳的开放式双场QKD系统]
4. Z Y Yan, T T Shi, Y B Fan, L Zhou, and Z L Yuan. “Compact InGaAs/InP single-photon detector module with ultra-narrowband interference circuits,” Advanced Devices & Instrumentation 4, 0029 (2023). [UNIC单光子探测器模块]
5. T K Paraiso, T Roger, D G Marangon, I De Marco, M Sanzaro, R I Woodward, J F Dynes, Z L Yuan, and A J Shields. “A photonic integrated quantum secure communication system,” Nature Photonics 15, 850-856 (2021). [芯片集成QKD系统]
6. M Pittaluga, M Minder, M Lucamarini, M Sanzaro, R I Woodward, M-J Li, Z L Yuan, and A J Shields. “600 km repeater-like quantum communication with dual-band stabilisation,” Nature Photonics 15, 530 – 535 (2021). [双波段稳相系统及首次600公里光纤QKD]
7. Z L Yuan, A Plews, R Takahashi, K Doi, W Tam, A W Sharpe, A R Dixon, E Lavelle, J F Dynes, A Murakami, M Kujiraoka, M Lucamarini, Y Tanizawa, H Sato, and A J Shields. “10 Mb/s quantum key distribution,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 36, 3427 (2018). [首个10Mb/s QKD系统]
8. M Lucamarini, Z L Yuan, J F Dynes, and A J Shields. “Overcoming the rate-distance limit of quantum key distribution without quantum repeater,” Nature 557, 400–403 (2018). [双场量子通信协议]
9. Z L Yuan, B Frohlich, M Lucamarini, G L Roberts, J F Dynes, and A J Shields. “Directly phase-modulated light source,” Physical Review X 6, 031044 (2016). [激光直调QKD光源]
10. B Fr?hlich, J F Dynes, M Lucamarini, A W Sharpe, Z L Yuan, and A. J. Shields. “A quantum access network,” Nature 501, 69–72 (2013). [量子接入网络]
11. K A Patel, J F Dynes, I Choi, A W Sharpe, A R Dixon, Z L Yuan, R V Penty, and A J Shields. “Coexistence of high-bit-rate quantum key distribution and data on optical fiber,” Physical Review X 2, 041010 (2012). [共纤量子密钥分发]
12. A R Dixon, Z L Yuan, J F Dynes, A W Sharpe, and A. J. Shields. “Gigahertz decoy quantum key distribution with 1 Mbit/s secure key rate,” Optics Express 16, 18790–18979 (2008). [首个Mbit/s量子密钥分发]
13. Z L Yuan, B E Kardynal, A W Sharpe, and A J Shields. “High speed single photon detection in the near infrared,” Applied Physics Letters 91, 041114 (2007). [自差分(Self-Differencing)单光子探测器]
14. C Gobby, Z L Yuan, and A J Shields. “Quantum key distribution over 122 km of standard telecom fiber,” Applied Physics Letters 84, 3762–3764 (2004). [首次百公里QKD]
15. Z L Yuan, B E Kardynal, R M Stevenson, A J Shields, C J Lobo, K Cooper, N S Beattie, D A Ritchie, and M Pepper. “Electrically driven single-photon source,” Science 295, 102 (2002). [首次演示电注入单光子源]