

【时  间】2024年11月28日(周四)上午10:30

【地  点】量子院526会议室

【主  持】徐洪起  量子院首席科学家/北京大学讲席教授

【题  目】Superconducting quantum circuit based on Ge/Si core/shell nanowires

【摘  要】Quantum computing is a highly competitive research field internationally. Scientists have been searching for better physical carriers for quantum bits (qubits) in order to realize practical quantum computers. The current carriers include superconducting Josephson junctions, semiconductor quantum dots, diamond color centers, ion traps, cold atoms, photons, and more. Each approach has its advantages and limitations to varying degrees. In recent years, there has been growing interest in compound qubits based on semiconductor Josephson devices. These qubits not only offer the potential to inherit the readout simplicity of superconducting qubits, but also the long lifetime of semiconductor spin qubits. They also provide an important experimental platform for studying properties such as particles, spins, and topology in nanowire Josephson junctions. Here we report our recent results obtained in constructing hole-type gatemon superconducting qubits based on high-quality germanium-silicon core-shell semiconductor nanowires as well as in the studies of the Andreev bound states and the parity of zero-energy bound states in germanium-silicon core-shell nanowire based Kitaev chains using compound qubit systems.

【报告人简介】吕昭征副研究员,1991 年出生于山东。2014 年,获得南开大学物理学学士学位。2020 年,在物理研究所获得博士学位。2020 年 8 月至 2022 年 8 月,在物理研究所从事博士后研究。2022 年 8 月,加入物理研究所,入选“百人计划”第二类人才引进计划。主要从事低温量子输运和拓扑量子计算研究。目前的主要研究方向包括:(1) 极低温度下低维材料低频小信号传输特性的测量研究,包括拓扑量子材料特性和器件制备等方面的研究;(2)基于安德烈耶夫束缚态的新型量子计算量子比特研究。