【时 间】2024年12月20日(周五)14:00
【地 点】量子院320报告厅
【主 持】金贻荣研究员 超导量子计算团队
【题 目】The scalings of transports in topological phase transitions
【摘 要】So far, all the theoretical and experimental works on topological quantum matter only focused on the $T=0$ properties or some low energy excitations near the ground state. Here we show that a finite temperature at $T > 0$ brings out fantastic new physics encoded in all the excited states in these systems, especially near the topological phase transitions(TPT) between different topological phases or between topological phases and trivial phases. We show that near these TPTs, various thermodynamics quantities satisfy the single scaling determined by the infra-red (IR) properties of the system which dictate the local geometry in the momentum space. However, the transport properties satisfy the double scalings determined by both the infra-red (IR) and the ultra-Violet (UV) properties of the system which dictate the global topology in the momentum space. We demonstrate these fantastic finite temperature phenomena on the simplest and also most widely accessible topological system: the quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) system.
【报告人简介】Prof. Ye received Ph.D from Yale University. Currently, he is a chair professor at the newly found Great Bay university in Dongguan, Guangdong, China. He is a condensed matter theorist working on the interdisciplinary field of condensed matter, quantum optics, cold atoms, non-relativistic quantum field theory, Turbulence and conformal field theory. Recently, he has been particularly interested to explore possible deep connections among quantum/topological phases, Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models and quantum black holes from material's point of views.