【时 间】2025年1月17日(星期五)14:30
【地 点】量子院526报告厅
【主 持】魏世杰 量子算法应用软件团队
【题 目】String commitment from unstructured noisy channels
【摘 要】While unconditionally secure bit commitment is known to be impossible given noiseless channels, noisy channels can however enable secure protocols for cryptographic primitives like bit commitment and oblivious transfer. Along this line, existing work has primarily considered many cases of memoryless channels. Here we consider more flexible channel resources that a dishonest player can configure arbitrarily within some constraints on their min-entropy. We present a protocol for string commitment over such channels that is complete, hiding, and binding, and derive its achievable commitment rate, demonstrating the possibility of string commitment in noisy channels with a stronger adversarial model. The asymptotic commitment rate coincides with previous results when the adversarial channels are the same binary symmetric channel as in the honest case.
Wu received bachelor degree in Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Then he worked on quantum secure direct communication and information theory in Tsinghua University, where he received his PhD degree. Now he is working as a research fellow (postdoc) in Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore. His research focuses on fundamental aspects of multiparty quantum cryptography, including bit commitment, oblivious transfer, coin flipping and homomorphic encryption.