Office 533
Email: wangjs@baqis.ac.cn
Dr. Jiesu Wang received her B. S. degree from Minzu University of China in 2013 and Ph. D. from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOP, CAS) in 2018. From 2018 to 2020, she worked as postdoctor in Key Lab. for Optical Physics in IOP, CAS. Thereafter, she joined BAQIS as the Assistant Research Scientist of the Low-dimensional Quantum Materials team leading by Kai Chang. Dr. Wang is devoted to using optical technology to explore the physical properties of low-dimensional materials, especially the Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) technology.
Research Interestes
· SHG and other nonlinear optical properties from low-dimentional materials.
· Using SHG to explore the point group\ferroelecticiy\antimagnetism in low-dimentional materials.
· Exploring the mechanism of regulating the physical properties of low-dimentional materials and their heterostructures as a function of temperature, magnetic field, chemical doping, electrostatic field, etc.
Key publications
-— Ren, Wn., Jin, Kj., Wang, Js. et al. Tunable electronic structure and magnetic anisotropy in bilayer ferromagnetic semiconductor Cr2Ge2Te6. Sci Rep 11, 2744 (2021)
— Li, W., Tang, G., Zhang, G., Jafri, H. M., Zhou, J., Liu, D., Liu, Y., Wang, J., Jin, K., Hu, Y., Gu, H., Wang, Z., Hong, J., Huang, H., Chen, L.-Q., Jiang, S., & Wang, Q. (2021). Improper molecular ferroelectrics with simultaneous ultrahigh pyroelectricity and figures of merit. Science Advances, 7, 5 (2021)
— Li, S. S., Zhang, Q. H., Lin, S., Sang, X., Need, R. F., Roldan, M. A., Cui, W., Hu, Z., Jin, Q., Chen, S., Zhao, J., Wang, J.‐O., Wang, J., He, M., Ge, C., Wang, C., Lu, H.‐B., Wu, Z. P., Guo, H. Z., Tong, X., Zhu, T., Kirby, B., Gu, L., Jin, K. J., Guo, E.‐J., Strong Ferromagnetism Achieved via Breathing Lattices in Atomically Thin Cobaltites. Adv. Mater. 33, 2001324 (2021)
— Li, S., Zhang, Q., Lin, S., Sang, X., Need, R.F., Roldan, M.A., Cui, W., Hu, Z., Jin, Q., Chen, S., Zhao, J., Wang, J.‐O., Wang, J., He, M., Ge, C., Wang, C., Lu, H.‐B., Wu, Z., Guo, H., Tong, X., Zhu, T., Kirby, B., Gu, L., Jin, K.‐j. and Guo, E.‐J. , Ferromagnetic Materials: Strong Ferromagnetism Achieved via Breathing Lattices in Atomically Thin Cobaltites. Adv. Mater., 33: 2170026 (2021)
— Wang, J., Ge, C., Guo, EJ. et al. Structure demonstration of perovskite oxide and its epitaxial thin films by second harmonic generation. Sci. China Technol. Sci. 63, 874–876 (2020).
— H. B. Yao, J. S. Wang, K. J. Jin, Q. H. Zhang, W. N. Ren, P. Venkatachalam, L. Gu, C. Ge, E. J. Guo, X. L. Xu, C. Wang, G. Z. Yang, Multiferroic metal-PbNb0.12Ti0.88O3 films on Nb-doped STO, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 1, 10, 2109?2115 (2019)
— J. S. Wang, H. B. Yao, K.J. Jin, E. J. Guo, Q. H. Zhang, C. Ma, L. Gu, P. Venkatachalam, J. L. Zhao, J. O. Wang, H. Riahi, H. Z. Guo, C. Ge, C. Wang, G. Z. Yang, Magnetoresistance in Metallic Ferroelectrics, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 1, 7, 1225-1232 (2019)
— Wang, L., Luo, Y., Wang, J. et al. Temperature-dependent evolution of surface charge screening and polarization at ferroelectric surfaces. Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 62, 987721 (2019)
— S. L. Tian, C. Wang, Y. Zhou, X. M. Li, P. Gao, Jiesu Wang, Y. Feng, X. K. Yao, C. Ge, M. He, X. D. Bai, G. Z. Yang, K. J. Jin,Manipulating the Ferroelectric Domain States and Structural Distortion in Epitaxial BiFeO3 Ultrathin Films via Bi Nonstoichiometry, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10, 43792?43801, (2018)
— J. S. Wang, K. J. Jin, H. B. Yao, J. X. Gu, X. L. Xu, C. Ge, C. Wang, M. He, and G. Z. Yang, Temperature-dependent phase transition in barium titanate crystals probed by second harmonic generation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 102904 (2018)
— J. S. Wang, K. J. Jin, J. X. Gu, Q. Wan, H. B. Yao, G. Z. Yang, Direct evidence of correlation between the second harmonic generation anisotropy patterns and the polarization orientation of perovskite ferroelectric, Sci. Rep. 7, 9051 (2017)
— H. Z. Guo, Q. Q. Li, Z. Z. Yang, K. J. Jin, C. Ge, L. Gu, X. He, X. L. Li, R. Q. Zhao, Q. Wan, J. S. Wang, M. He, C. Wang, H. B. Lu, Y. P. Yang, G. Z. Yang, Manipulating magnetoelectric properties by interfacial coupling in La0.3Sr0.7MnO3/Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 superlattices, Sci. Rep. 7, 7693 (2017)
— J. X. Gu, K. J. Jin, C. Ma, Q. H. Zhang, L. Gu, C. Ge, J. S. Wang, C. Wang, H. Z. Guo, G. Z. Yang, Coexistence of polar distortion and metallicity in PbTi1-xNbxO3, Phys. Rev. B 96, 165206 (2017)
— Q. Wan, K. J. Jin, J. S. Wang, H. B. Yao, J. X. Gu, H. Z. Guo, X. L. Xu, G. Z. Yang, Modulation of ultrafast laser-induced magnetization precession in BiFeO3-coated La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 thin films, Sci. China. Phys. Mech. 60, 047511 (2017)
— J. S. Wang, K. J. Jin, H. Z. Guo, J. X. Gu, Q. Wan, X. He, X. L. Li, X. L. Xu, G. Z. Yang, Evolution of structural distortion in BiFeO3 thin films probed by second-harmonic generation, Sci. Rep. 6, 38268 (2016)